Rock Hedgehogs
Remember when you wanted a pet, but your parents said no? In order to prove how responsible you were, you might have taken care of a pet rock! This was probably a rock you found in the backyard with googly eyes, and that you kept in a box (at least until you got bored). And now your own children probably want a pet of their own. But what if we make a more “cuddly” option? Today we are trying a new take on an old classic, rock hedgehogs!
What you’ll need:
- Small flat stones (found at your local craft store or your own backyard)
- Small paint brushes or foam brushes
- Brown acrylic paint
- Tan acrylic pain
- Black Sharpie marker
- LOTS of paper towels (We’re talking about kids and paint here.)
How to make it:
- Wash any dirt off your rocks and dry them. Apply tan paint to the front part of the stone to create the head. Let dry.
- Apply brown paint to the rest of the rock to create the body. You can add texture with wavy lines!
- Still using brown paint, make a nose at the front of the tan section. Let stone dry completely. (Might be a good time for a snack or a nap to distract your little one.)
- Once dry, use the black Sharpie to make the eyes, little nostrils and spines.
- You’re done! Let your child take care of their little hedgehog. (At least until they start asking for a REAL one.) Maybe they will have a little pet rock collection of their own!
Thanks for reading!